Work 2205 East Fourth Sioux City IA 51101
Work Phone: (712) 255-0185
Work Email:
Website: L & L Builders Sioux City
Work 1955 24th St. SW LeMars IA 51031
Work Phone: 800-635-1599
Work Phone: 712-546-7809
Work Fax: 712-546-7951
Work 1000 South Lewis Blvd Sergeant Bluff IA 51054
Work Phone: 712-277-1420
Work Fax: 712-943-5296
Work Email:
Work 422 Floyd Blvd Sioux City IA 51101
Work Phone: 712-258-3040
Work Fax: 712-258-8001
Work Email:
Work 805 W. 7th St. PO Box 3558 Sioux City IA 51102
Work Phone: 800-444-9400
Work Phone: 712-277-8040
Work Fax: 712-277-2013
Work Email:
Work 2424 E. 5th St. Sioux City IA 51101
Work Phone: 712-252-2785
Work Fax: 712-252-4757
Work Email:
Work 1950 W. 29th St. South Sioux City NE 68776
Work Phone: 800-551-3313
Work Phone: 402-241-4402
Work Fax: 402-241-4435
Work Email:
Work 5211 Military Road Sioux City IA 51109
Work Phone: 712-233-1689
Work Email:
Lyman-Richey Corporation
Siouxland ConcreteHBA of Greater Siouxland’s Code of Ethics
A) Members and Member Candidates of the association believe and affirm that:
- Home ownership can and should be within reach of every American family.
- American homes should be well-designed, well-constructed, and well-located in attractive communities, with educational, recreational, religious, and shopping facilities accessible to all.
- American home should be built under the free American enterprise system.
B) In our relationships with consumers, clients, and the general public, we believe and affirm that:
- Each Member, for the protection of all parties with whom they deal, are encouraged to see that financial obligations are commitments regarding business activities are in writing, expressing the exact agreement of the parties and that copies of such agreements, at the time they are executed are placed in the hands of all parties involved.
- Members agree not to obtain any business by means of fraudulent statements or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability.
- Each Member is encouraged to keep informed regarding laws, regulations, and other essential information, which affect their business interests and those of the building industry as a whole.
- Our paramount responsibility is to the customers we serve and the communities where we work, proceeding with honesty, constructing housing of attractive, functional design and sound craftmanship, and incorporating high standards of health, safety, and sanitation, so that each unit is an asset to its owner and the community in which it is located.
- Members agree to perform in a professional manner that is consistent with standards of quality workmanship and materials in order to promote a favorable image of the industry.
- Members agree to deal fairly with their respective employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers.
- As Members of this progressive industry, we encourage research to develop new materials, new building techniques, new building equipment and improved methods of home financing to the end that every home purchaser may get the greatest value for every dollar.
- All sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people we serve shall have our informed and vigorous considerations.
- We hold inviolate the free enterprise system and the American Way of Life. We pledge our support to our associates, our local, state and national associations and all related industries concerned with the preservation of legitimate rights and freedoms.
- As Members of the Association, we agree to carry a proper amount of liability and property insurance and if we have employees to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by the laws of the state of Iowa and locally.
- Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the home building or home remodeling industry or the Home Builders Association of Greater Siouxland.
C) Membership in the Association may be terminated according to the following procedures:
- A member may resign by written notice
- The Board of Directors may revoke or deny the membership of a Member or Member Candidate for non-payment of dues.
- The Ethics Committee of Board may revoke or deny the membership of a Member or Member Candidate for a violation of its Code of Ethics.