Exhibitor Information

  • E-mail completed Booth Contracts, Name Badge Requests, and Sponsorships to office@siouxlandhba.com. Payments for Booths and Sponsorships go to HBA of Greater Siouxland.
  • E-mail completed Table/Linen Rentals to the Expo Center directly! Follow payment directions on their form for Tables and Linens.

Full Contract:

Payments for Booths and Sponsorships go to HBA of Greater Siouxland.

2026 Contract will be available starting in November of 2025. Sign up here:


Payments for Booths and Sponsorships go to HBA of Greater Siouxland.

Expo Center Table Order Form

  • Return this form to and pay the Expo Center directly!
  • You may bring your own table and chairs.
  • No on-site requests will be honored. Items must be pre-ordered prior to the show.
  • For all other special orders, please refer to the order form  or contact the Seaboard Triumph Expo Center direct at 712-279-6126 to make arrangements.
  • All Standard electrical hook-ups (110 amps) will be provided at NO cost to the exhibitors.
  • To make arrangements for other special electrical services, contact the Siouxland Expo Center directly at 712-279-6126.


Seaboard Triumph Foods Expo Center
550 Expo Center Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51101


  • Help keep the overhead and side doors closed as much as possible so the heat can remain on while we do our set-up.
  • There is no strict schedule for load-in: the building is big enough to accommodate, please be courteous in the process.
  •  Fork-lift unloading or loading will be provided at no cost to the exhibitor.
  • All exhibits must be in place by 8:00pm Thursday. Final touchups to booth can be made Friday morning, prior to opening the show. Show judges will start judging at 9:00 AM Friday morning. No booth setup Friday Morning.


  • Standard electricity and 2 chairs are included.
  • Booths must be always staffed.
  • Tables and linens must be ordered and paid for separately from the Expo Center.


Vendors must park in the south which is the lot on the backside of the building, the front lots are for the show attendees.
No trailers left in either lot during show! Please use the HBA parking lot at 3900 Stadium Drive. If you are parked in the front lots during show you will be required to move.


  • Friday, February 28, 2025     10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, March 1, 2025       10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • Sunday, March 2, 2025           10:00 AM to 4:00 PM


  • Tickets can be purchased in advance for $4.00 until Wednesday at 4 PM or $7.00 at the door.
  • Hourly Door Prizes are given away during the show, donations for prizes valued at $50 or more are still being accepted.
    • Gift Certificate Door Prizes must not expire!
    • Vendor door prizes that require tie-in purchase or in-home demonstration are NOT allowed.
  • Daily Grand Prize Giveaway will be $569 Builder Bucks


  • Sunday, March 2, 2025            4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  
  • Monday, March 3, 2025          8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

**Tear down prior to 4:00 PM on Sunday or Closing early Friday/Saturday may result in exclusion from future home shows.**


The Exhibitor’s Lounge will be stocked with cookies and coffee all weekend courtesy of the Siouxland Professional Women in Building and water sponsored by Kinetico of Siouxland. All proceeds from the free-will donation will be added to the HBA scholarship fund. Cash will be accepted or this Donation Link via Square will be available on signs on the tables with a QR code.


As an exhibitor, you and your key representatives are invited to an exhibitor party following the close of Friday evening’s show. Booth awards will be presented. A representative will deliver tickets to your booth for this event on Friday afternoon.


Our official pages are listed below. Tag us and use #SiouxlandHomeShow2026 and we will be sharing posts throughout the event!

Thank you in advance,

Terri Schelm – Executive Officer, Home Builders Association of Greater Siouxland